Thursday, September 18, 2008

Improve your CQ

Improve your CQ
Have you ever heard of CQ? What you think it is about? When you want to visit another country, you need to cross the cultural boundaries before crossing the boundary of this country, so you need to know all things about the culture in this country, in other words you need to improve your CQ- cultural intelligent , so to satisfy this aim, you have to follow these three ways; read many books about the other cultures, learn many languages, and watch movies that are using different languages.
First, read a lot of books about the other cultures. Books give you a lot of information about the cultures, specially that one which written by native person, who belong to this culture. In addition, read many novels for famous native novelists, because this is the best way to know small details about the other cultures, and don’t forget to read about the famous people, who had great contributions of their cultures.
Next, try to learn many languages. Language is the most important part of any culture. In addition, if you can speak many languages, then you will be know more and more about the other cultures. It is easy to know the status of any person in one of these cultures, from the language that he or she speaks, or may be by follow the accent that he or she uses, because in many countries people who are from high status use other language that low status’ people use, for example in Pakistan people in high status speak British English, but people in low status speak Ordoa.
Finally, watch movies in different languages, which are translated to your own language, movies give you a lot of information about the small details of any culture, for example the kind of clothes, which they wearing, or may be the kind of items that they are use. In addition, watching movies in different languages, given a chance to learn many languages. The quality of the movies give you information about the cultures, many cultures using high quality media effects in their movies, which give you information about the since development in these cultures.
In conclusion, for all that were listed before, books help you to know more and more about the other cultures, known languages give you the chance to know all the secretes about the other cultures, and the medias specially the movies give you small details about the cultures. So if you need to be active part of this world, which became global village, and all things that happened some where around you that effected in you directly or indirectly, so you need to know more and more about the other cultures.

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